Riley's Farm Photography Contest Winner

November 13, 2013

?We just vistied Riley's farm last week and the family and I had a blast from the past.  Taking us back to traditional USA, colonial times.  We love the Oak Glen area, but Riley's, it might turn into a family tradition.  It's got very friendly staff, great food, and a great location to just let the kids be kids.  Not to mention the historical content, crafts, and games.  They truly have the right stuff to share a piece of history of what made our Country great!

During our excusion we learned of a photography contest and we decided to enter our experience at Riley's farm.  All four entries made it into the final selection, one for each category, "Landscape, Just Plain Fun!, Solo Portrait, and Family Duo.

It was a great competitive competition.  One of our images took grand prize in the "Just Plain Fun!" category.  The photo says it all.  It happens to be one of my favorites of my kids just being , you know kids!

The runner up gave us just that, a running with total likes of 312 to our 313 likes on facebook squeezzing us just barely over in the "Just plain Fun! category.  We truly couln't have done it without our friends, family, and followers of Ember Rian Photography.  I deeply thank you for following us and voting to make this a great success.  We have a great offer for our follower who helped us make this a great success.  I willl have it postted shortly.  Thank you again for your support!!!

rileys photo winning rileylogo.jpg

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